Ausbildung: 1994-1997: Akademie fur Fotografie, Haarlem

Ausstellungen [Auswahl]:
1997 Themenausstellung Amnesty International
1997 Fotoausstellung der Stadt Haarlem
2002 Offenes Atelier in Zeist
2003 Gruppenausstellung "Kosmos", Zeist
Auftrage [Auswahl]:
Fotobooklet fur Calve - Portratserie fur Philip Morris - Reklame Rabobank - Billboard Albert Hein -Reklame Corus [steelcompany] - Reklame Abri [fur Bushaltestellen] - Reklame Ordina - Gulpener Bier Werbekampagne - Portratserie fur uwv Redaktorische Tatigkeit fur folgende Zeitschriften: - Psychologie - Quote media - Zeilen - Soul magazine

Education: 1994-1997: Academy for Photography, Haarlem

Recent exhibitions:
1997 Theme Exhibition Amnesty International
1997 Photography exhibition by the city of Haarlem
2002 Open-studio exhibition in Zeist
2003 Groupexhibition"Kosmos",
Zeist Recent assignments:
Foto - booklet for Calve - Series of portraits for Philip Morris - Advertisement Rabobank - Billboard Albert Hein - Advertisement Corus [steelcompany] - Abri [public places of busstops]advertisement Ordina - Campaign Gulpener beer - Series of portraits for uwv Editorial activities for the following magazines: - Psychologie - Quote media - Zeilen - Soul magazine

Lugtigheid, Joris e-mail:

HOME - Paradiesprojekt Startseite


Joris Lugtigheid

Mais [photo] Kitchenshelf [photo]

1970 Hem/NL
